Thursday, September 30, 2010

Are Men Necessary?: when sexes collide

Read this one when you're feeling bitter about men and you want someone to back up your feelings. Funny, conversational and cynical about men and the ways that women behave around them, Dowd reminds me of Lisa Scottoline, a fellow newspaper columnist.

But stop reading every few chapters--too much and Dowd's refrain of cynicism will affect you. Because the book is a series of essays, the chapters each seem to start over at ground zero. Each one echoes similar emotions rather than building on each other to form a cohesive argument or satisfying conclusion. Bottom line: read it expecting enjoyment, not expecting a gender argument.

From p. 9: "My mom, a soft touch who loved men, suggested that I change my title to Why Men Are Necessary. 'Men are necessary for breeding and heavy lifting,' she said wryly."

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